London Incident 2017
Dear Parents,
On Saturday night, London was struck with a devastating attack affecting many people in London but also families and friends from afar. On behalf of Foxdell Infant School, we do hope that you and your loved ones are safe, well and returning from half term in good health.
The following few weeks will be extremely busy with end of year activities. I’d like to wish all our children the very best in their learning and hope that Saturday's event delivered no direct impact. We observed the minute silence today and have spoken to the children about the events on Saturday in an age-appropriate way, in order to allay possible fears, but also to ensure that children are clear about separating basic facts about an event from speculation, rumour or untruths. Tips for parents The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has published tips for parents on how to talk to children about terrorism. When speaking to children, parents should avoid "complicated, worrying explanations" as they may struggle to process information and may be left feeling more frightened and confused. It is acceptable to agree with children that attacks are frightening and sad, and that you can't stop them. In addition, the guidance says that it is important to address victimisation following a terrorist attack as some children may feel targeted because of their faith or background. The link below takes you directly to the NSPCC website where you will find a useful video that you may wish to watch with your child. (This link can also be found on our website)
Kind regards,
Ms J Abbott (Headteacher)