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Foxdell Primary School

‘Growing, Learning and Achieving Together’

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Pupil Premium


At Foxdell Primary School we are committed to developing secure foundations for all of our pupils so that they can achieve their full potential. We want to provide an inspiring curriculum and a broad range of experiences to enable every pupil to excel in all aspects of their learning.


What is Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium is additional funding to the main school funding given by the government to address the inequalities between pupils that are eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers. This funding was introduced in 2011 and is provided to schools for pupils that are or have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM).


The purpose of this funding is to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. The funding is based on research which shows that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Schools can choose how to spend their pupil premium money, providing they can demonstrate the impact of the funding on learning, attainment and pupil wellbeing/ pastoral care.


School leaders and governing bodies must track and report the progress of pupils in receipt of free school meals to ensure positive impact and demonstrate how the money is being spent.


Number of pupils on roll (Nov 23)567
Number of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium137
Number of pupils eligible for FSM137
Amount of Pupil Premium Funding per pupil£1455
Number of looked after children (LAC)0
Total funding for the financial year including recovery premium funding allocation this academic year£230400



Barriers to Learning

Luton is ranked 25th most deprived area from 317 local authorities; this is an increase in ranking from 69th in 2010. Therefore Luton is becoming relatively more deprived. Luton has nine output areas in the top ten per cent most deprived areas in the country.  One of which is the Dallow ward where Foxdell Primary School is situated.


Dallow is identified in the top 20-50 per cent most deprived areas of Luton, with some areas in the top 10 per cent. The percentage of children living in poverty after housing costs is 35-40 per cent. A combination of factors contributes to this including unemployment rates (17.8%), health concerns, obesity (26.1%), and housing. The community serves a high number of ethnic minority groups, special educational needs and pupils that have English as an additional language.


We work hard to ensure all of our children receive high quality education. We spend time identifying barriers to learning in order to provide the right support for our significantly deprived learners which also include pupils that are not eligible for Pupil Premium funding but are vulnerable. Our high attaining disadvantaged pupils are challenged to ensure that they make accelerated progress in line with non- disadvantaged high attaining pupils.


We have identified the following barriers to achievement:

  • Low level language and communication skills on entry
  • Frequent absences/ poor punctuality
  • Parental disengagement with gaps in parenting skills
  • Pupil Premium status combined with other needs such as a special educational needs, safeguarding and child protection issues
  • Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) concerns
  • Economic hardship to include unemployment and poverty

Pupil Premium Funding

Did you know that when a child is registered for free school meals the government gives the school an extra £1455?


In 2011-12 the Government launched its pupil premium funding. This money is sent to schools by Central Government based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it was expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years (Ever 6). In addition, children whose parents work in the Forces or children who are ‘Looked After Children’ also receive a grant. This money is allocated by the school to initiatives specifically designed to ensure eligible children reach their full potential, both academically and socially. Currently the pupil premium is worth £1455 per pupil to the school.


At Foxdell Primary, there are lots of additional benefits available to your child if he/she is registered for free school meals, or has been registered at any time during the last 6 years.


This year your child would be entitled to:

  • Free milk
  • Free attendance at breakfast club
  • Free attendance at after school clubs
  • One free PE t-shirt
  • One free uniform polo shirts
  • One free uniform sweatshirts/cardigans
  • Free Educational visits


We would like to encourage as many parents as possible to apply by completing the registration form (see the link below) and returning it to school. You only need to complete this form once and it will last for the duration of your child’s time at Foxdell Primary. Please note that if your child is registered for free school meals they do not have to take the free lunch provided. If you prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch from home you are fully entitled to do so, but we would still request that they are registered so that they can benefit from the funding.
