"Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities make strong progress from their starting points, particularly in reading and writing."
Ofsted February 2018
Last Reviewed January 2024
At Foxdell Primary, we empower our children to be creative, confident individuals who are enthusiastic and proud of everything they achieve; whether it is writing, maths art or music, we believe all children should have the opportunity to excel in an inclusive environment. The unique contribution every child brings to our community is valued. The achievements, attitude and well-being of every young person is paramount – the children of Foxdell are at the heart of all that we do.
We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and non-SEND pupils at Foxdell Primary. We recognise and embrace the fact that every child is different and therefore the educational needs of every child is different. We use a wide range of strategies to foster a culture of lifelong learning and independent living skills for all children.
A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
- has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.
(Code of Practice DfE 2014)
Accessibility Plan
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report
The Luton SENDIAS Service is a statutory service jointly funded by Luton Council and Luton Clinical Commissioning Group. The service provides impartial advice and support on a range of topics related to SEND and operates at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority.
The SENDIAS Service aims to help parents/carers, children and young people and professional staff to work together to provide the best possible support and outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
Parent/carers, children and young people can access support from the SENDIAS service by a variety of methods. The SENDIAS service website has fantastic information, advice, resources and videos for families with SEND on a range of different topics. The website also has the ability to translate information on the site into a range of different languages.
Our service can provide support for families who may have concerns about their child or young person’s progress at school/college, or concerns regarding starting school or accessing support in school/college. We can also offer advice and support around issues relating to SEND law, exclusion advice or advice if families wish to appeal a decision regarding an EHCP (Education, Health and Social Care Plan) made by the Local Authority.
The SENDIAS service also has a telephone helpline (01582 548156) with an answerphone service available out of office hours.
We now have a new Facebook page up and running: which also provides information, advice and support for parents, carers, children and young people, signposting them towards local events and support groups. |
Buddy & Bradley Bear
Our Friendship Bears
Buddy and Bradley Bear are both valued members of the Foxdell Team. You might see them around school, working with some of our pupils. Buddy works at the Junior site, with Bradley Bear at the Infant site.
They both like to sit with anyone who might be feeling a little anxious or sad, or maybe someone who just needs a friend for the day. They are VERY good listeners and love a cuddle!
If you see them around school please say 'Hello Buddy!' or 'Hello Bradley Bear!'.
It will make them VERY happy!
Paper copies of information on this website are available upon request.