'A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.' (National Curriculum, 2014)
At Foxdell, science is taught as a discrete subject in all year groups and is linked as closely as possible to the topic for the half term.
We believe science for young learners is an extension of their everyday world. Children do not need to be taught how to wonder, discover and explore through play because they do it naturally. Our job is to capture those moments and facilitate their learning by providing exciting resources and opportunities that has a lifelong impact on their scientific thinking. We believe that science should encourage the natural curiosity of children by providing opportunities for them to investigate and explore their environment and find out about the wider world. Science should lead children to become independent thinkers; questioning, researching, solving problems, finding practical solutions, reflecting on outcomes, evaluating evidence and considering the implications of findings.
We aim to:
- Provide every pupil with a rich and varied range of scientific experiences,
- Develop interest and enthusiasm for science,
- Develop knowledge of scientific facts and understanding of concepts,
- Develop the skills required to research, observe, classify, investigate, make measurements and comparisons, gather evidence and draw conclusions,
- Encourage children to question, to think objectively, to plan logically, to reflect and evaluate, to use evidence to predict and conclude and to recognise implications,
- Relate science to everyday life,
- Develop effective recording and communication of scientific ideas, facts and data, using a variety of methods including ICT.
Staff and pupils at Foxdell collaborated to form the following Principles of Teaching Science for the school:
Principles of Science Teaching at Foxdell Primary School
We know that science is good when:
- Enthusiastic children and staff are taking part in active, practical investigations that are fun.
- Children are asking questions, suggesting ways to find answers, planning their own investigations and are fully involved in their learning.
- Children have time to carry out the investigations they plan and opportunities to discuss and reflect upon what they discover.
- Science is linked to real life and whenever possible to children’s interests.
- Children use the outdoor environment regularly and go on visits to see science in the real world. They also have visitors in to share their knowledge, expertise and resources.
- Sufficient, well-maintained, good quality, relevant resources are available.
- Improvements in children’s skills and knowledge are evident.
We are proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark. It is a testimony to the high quality science taught at our school.
Feedback from the PSQM 2023:
- It is clear that the school has a clear vision and set of principles to support the teaching and learning of science.
- There is a lovely set of pictures to illustrate how the principles would look like in the classroom.
- The impact statement shows that teachers have taken account of pupil voice and have tailored their teaching to take account of this.
- The subject leaders have been proactive in leading CPD for all staff, trainees
and ECTs. They have shared expertise and it is pleasing to see in the portfolio
the positive comments from staff. - The school has done much work on assessment over the year. Both formative
and summative assessment strategies have been introduced and linked to
monitoring processes discussed in other criteria. - Pupils are developing their science capital knowledge through a number of
areas; the eco warriors are doing a great job. Interesting work with Twig
science reporter. - The school has developed some great links with other organisations. In
particular the Zoo has provided some great opportunities to teach and learn
about science with children asking some interesting questions.