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Foxdell Primary School

‘Growing, Learning and Achieving Together’

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Useful Information

School Day

Click here to see how our school day is organised.


Term Dates & Calendar

Please click HERE for Term Dates

Check out the School Calendar HERE for upcoming events.

As dates can be subject to change, please contact the school if you need confirmation of any future dates.


Information regarding fasting during Ramadan

Please click the link to read the guidance information from the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) who have worked with Imams, Islamic scholars, experts, Muslim chaplains and the NHS to produce this information. Read more.


Personal Property

It must be emphasised that we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any personal possession brought on to the school premises.


Mobile Phones - Junior School

If, in exceptional circumstances, it is necessary for a child to bring a phone to school, it should be handed in at the school office at the start of the day. All phones should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. Phones will be available for pupils to collect at 3.30 p.m.


Road Safety and Parking

We would like to ask for your continued co-operation in exercising every care in parking outside school when dropping off or collecting children. 

Please do not park in the school car park or use this area, or the school entrance, as a turning point as the space is very limited and it restricts the access of emergency vehicles.


We encourage our pupils to walk to school and actively seek ways to reduce the number of car journeys made to and from school. 


Foxdell Junior Site is a ‘Bike it’ school which means we promote training in the safe use of bicycles and encourage our pupils to ride regularly. Following training, pupils in Year 5 and 6 are allowed to travel to school on their bikes if they have their parent’s permission. Many of our younger pupils have also expressed a desire to bring their bikes but this should only happen if they are accompanied by an adult. All pupils must bring a lock to secure their bike and take the bike home each night. Whilst we will make every effort to ensure the security of the bikes on school premises we cannot be responsible for any loss or damage.


School Security

Side entrance gates are kept locked during school hours. All visitors must report to reception. There is a security access system in operation at the main entrance. Visitors are requested to sign in and out of our visitor’s book and to wear a badge.

Emergency evacuation procedures are in place.

All employees and volunteers must undergo a DBS check.


Passport / Visa Applications

Foxdell Primary School has taken the decision not to countersign passport photographs, passport applications, British naturalisation applications and similar documentation. Therefore, teachers and other staff, if approached by parents or carers with such a request, will be unable to oblige.

This decision has been taken after much deliberation to prevent abuse, fraudulent gain and we need to ensure consistency and fairness. Thank you for your continued support.


New funding tool for schools and parents 

The Department for Education is making it easier for parents to see how much additional funding their local school has been allocated through the schools National Funding Formula (NFF).


This online tool allows anyone to easily look up allocations under the NFF for schools in England. Find out your local school’s NFF allocation >


Pastoral Care

At Foxdell we place considerable emphasis on traditional courtesy and good behaviour. Pupils are expected to develop and maintain the highest standards in both these areas. A house system, permitting some competition and rewards, is used. Children acquire house point certificates for themselves and add to the overall total for their house. Other certificates and stickers are also awarded weekly for a variety of reasons e.g. achievement certificates, attendance certificates, behaviour certificates, achievement in PE/Music etc. 

When problems do occur, they are dealt with sympathetically and parents are fully involved in attempts to resolve any issues. In extreme circumstances, the Head Teacher has the right to exclude a child for persistent misbehaviour or where the behaviour is a danger to the child or others. 

Bullying and racist behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated and a formal record is kept. We would wish to be informed of any incidents of this type so that a response can be swiftly made. 

School rules are kept to a minimum and are mainly concerned with maintaining a safe environment and encouraging pupils to develop respect for themselves, each other, for adults, for books and equipment and for their school and environment in general.


School Expectations

  1. We should arrive at school in good time. 
  2. We should be courteous and show consideration for each other, for staff and visitors. 
  3. We should not swear or use any other form of abusive or hurtful language. 
  4. We should respect and care for our school and the equipment within it. 
  5. We should move around the school in a sensible and orderly fashion. 
  6. We are not allowed to bring any form of chewing gum to school. 
  7. All litter should be placed in the bins provided. 
  8. We should not bring into school computer games, or any other expensive items. 
  9. Swapping or exchanging goods in school is not permitted. 
  10. We should maintain a neat and tidy personal appearance. 

We are not allowed to bring pen knives, or similar potentially dangerous items, on to the school premises.

Each class also devises its own classroom charter according to the ages of the children


Home School Agreement

At Foxdell we believe the education of our pupils is a shared responsibility involving the child, parents, the school and community. Parents can reinforce and augment learning beyond the school. A partnership with parents is a vital link to the learning process. 

Most parents today show great interest in their children's education and wish to do all they can to ensure that their child has a happy and successful school life. These aims are shared by the school and we hope that by working together, in partnership, we can offer your child the very best educational experience. 

If at any time you are concerned about your child's behaviour or progress then please do not hesitate to contact the school and make an appointment to see the Headteacher or the class teacher.


Pastoral Care Provision

Pastoral care provided in school is complementary to that given at home, as the teaching staff act “in loco parentis”, i.e. in place of the parent. The class teacher is an important point of contact between home and school, and it is hoped that parents will endeavour to establish a close relationship with the school, through both the head teacher and the class teacher. Open evenings are held three times a year but it is always possible to see either the headteacher or the class teacher by appointment. 

Schools are concerned to provide for the welfare needs of pupils, in partnership with parents and, where appropriate, in association with the School Health Service. 

Parents will be required to complete our basic, confidential, information form. 

Any change of information on this form must be notified to school immediately so that we can have up-to-date records. In particular, it is essential that we are aware of any medical conditions which may affect a child’s performance. Furthermore, if it is necessary to contact parents during school hours (e.g. in the case of an accident), it is most distressing for the child if the telephone numbers we have are out of date.


Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures

Foxdell complies with all the recommended safeguarding procedures regarding the appointment of staff, visitors to the site and the safety of pupils. 

The issue of e- safety is taken very seriously. School access to the internet is monitored and filtered by the Local Authority. Pupils sign an internet use agreement and are taught how to use digital technology safely during ICT and PSHE lessons. The Family Worker runs additional sessions to alert parents to the dangers of the internet. 

Parents should be aware that the Local Authority requires Head Teachers to report any obvious or suspected case of child abuse – which includes non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional and/or sexual abuse. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for suspicion it is better to be safe than sorry.


 NSPCC Advice

Supporting children worried about terrorism.

Our advice can help parents talk to their children worried about recent events

Stay safe CBBCWelcome to your ultimate internet survival guide. Here are the tips and tricks you'll need to stay safe online, beat the cyber-bullies and become a super-surfer.
THINK! Education includes a wealth of road safety information and resources for pupilsteachers and parents.

details of other local and national organisations that you may find helpful.

Let’s Talk About It is an initiative designed to provide practical help and guidance to the public in order to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.


Articles for parents of Primary school age on how to keep them safe online


Please pay attention to the section ‘talking about terrorism: tips for parents’ 

Why radicalisation is a child protection issue | NSPCC


Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children


Word groups - BSL

Here at Home-Start Central Bedfordshire we support any family that needs us as long as they have a child under the age of five.


The Fatherhood Institute’s vision is a society that gives all children a strong and positive relationship with their father and any father-figures; supports both mothers and fathers as earners and carers; and prepares boys and girls for a future shared role in caring for children.


Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.


Lots of information about parenting.


Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school.


Paper copies of information on this website are available upon request.
