Curriculum Maps 2024-25
Curriculum Maps 2023-24
Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
Pre-key stage standards 2024
Terrific Turvy!
We were very lucky to have Turvy the tortoise come and visit us.
We asked lots of questions and found out lots of information about him and the habitat he lives in. If we were feeling brave then we were able to stroke his hard shell.
Terrific Turvy Swifts Class
For our winter topic we played in the snow. We made snowballs. We saw Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer and his friends and were allowed to sit in his sleigh. The reindeer's were very shy but we got to stroke them. Their fur was so warm!
Traditional Tales
For our Topic Traditional Tales we came to school dressed as a book character. It was fun role-playing. Our teachers dressed up too! It was funny to see them dress differently.
Learning about teeth
We had to brush our teeth every day at school with our very own tooth brush and toothpaste.
Our teacher showed us the correct way and told us we must brush twice a day for 2 minutes! She also said we should not have sugary drinks or sweets.
We then got special certificates. We used large models of teeth and a giant tooth brush to learn how to brush our teeth properly. We all now have white shiny teeth!
Indoor provision
We love learning indoors! There are so many exciting things to do. We can use construction toys to build models, we can use the role play area to build our imaginative skills, we can use the maths area to problem solve and the creative area to make masterpieces.
We also love sharing a book in the book corner with our favourite puppets and sometimes our teacher lets us cook too! We have made pizza, bread and gingerbread men.
In gymnastics we learnt how to control and balance our bodies we learnt to do the straddle, tuck, pencil and star shape. We learnt how to start and finish a sequence. We used small and large apparatus to show our teacher what we had learnt.
Exploring outdoors!
We love being outdoors no matter what the weather. We have special waterproof overalls to wear when it is raining so we do not get wet! We like exploring in the mud kitchen, even though it can get messy we can find different creepy crawlies like worms and beetles!
We love using the obstacles to balance and the bikes to pedal and we are learning to become stronger by developing our Gross Motor Skills!
Exploring ice
As part of our Winter topic we explored the icy playground we found lots of formations of ice. It was so cold and began to melt in our hands. We did an investigation in class, we tried to find out which materials were best to keep Olaf the Snowman warm in the winter.
We loved exploring the ice. Our teacher let us make coloured slush out of the ice it was so cool!
Dinosaur and Fossil Workshop
As part of our topic we had looked at life, long long ago. We explored fossils of dinosaurs. We found out whether the dinosaurs were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We matched the fossil to the dinosaur it was so much fun! We also had life sized dinosaurs visit us we saw a baby dinosaur too!
Autumn Walk
We went on our Autumn Walk through Dallow Downs Even though, it was exhausting going up the hill but it was worth it! We found some lovely signs of autumn, we especially liked looking at the baby apples, mushrooms and berries. We were able to make a lovely collage it was so much fun!
Working with parents
Parents worked with their children to help support their gross and fine motor skills. They were given practical ideas on activities they can use at home.