School Meals and Snacks
Could your child be entitled to a FREE school meal? If you are in receipt of benefits, your child could be entitled to a free school meal and you could save up to £380 per year. Please see the attached document for further details or speak to one of our Family Workers who will be able to help you.
School Dinners
We use Aspens Catering to cater for our school dinners. This is an external catering company. Cooked school meals are available each day. All meat and poultry served by the kitchen is Halal. We have a meat free menu every Monday as part of our Eco Plan.
Children may have a school dinner, bring a packed lunch or go home for lunch.
The cost of a school meal is £2.35 per day. Please ensure you have enough credit in your ScoPay account each week for your child to have their school dinner. If accounts slip into arrears, lunches will be stopped and you must send in a packed lunch for the child. If you need help registering please contact the Office Team or one of our Family Workers who will be able to assist you. Please note, we do not accept cash payments.
Information about school catering is available at parent evenings and in school newsletters, e.g. menus, theme days, free school meals, etc. This information is also available on the school’s website.
Free School Meals
In September 2014 the government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meals for all pupils in Reception, Years 1 and 2. This means that all of the children at our Infant Site are eligible to receive a free school meal under this scheme
In order for the school to recognise who is eligible for free school meals and who qualifies for free school meals for funding purposes we encourage all parents to register, even if your child does not wish to receive a meal. Pupils registered for Free School Meals attract additional funding for their school, the benefits of which will be passed on to your child.
If you think you may qualify to claim free school meals for your child/children, please contact Luton Borough Council by clicking here or speak to a Family Worker who will be able to help you.
Please notify the Kitchen Manager, one week in advance, if you wish to change your child's lunch-time arrangements.
Packed Lunches
If your child chooses to have a packed lunch, t’s important to make sure that these are healthy. Eating behaviours and habits are formed in early life and good nutrition in childhood can help to prevent a variety of health problems, both in the short term and later in life. This means that packed lunches should include plenty of foods that contain the nutrients that children need, and fewer foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat.
A balanced packed lunch should contain:
1) A portion of bread (or similar), rice, potatoes or pasta
2) Plenty of fruit and vegetables
3) A portion of dairy- cheese or yoghurt
4) Some protein foods: meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
5) A healthy drink
Nut or nut products are not allowed in schools because of the danger they present to children with allergies.
If your child forgets their packed lunch the kitchen will provide a school lunch and you will be charged £2.35 for the school dinner – we will never let a pupil go hungry.
A piece of fruit is given daily to all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children; this is free as it is provided by the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) to encourage ALL children to eat ‘5 a – day’.
The school purchases fruit so that the Junior site pupils can also have a free piece of fruit every day. Fruit provided includes; apples, pears, soft citrus, bananas, cherry tomatoes and carrots.
Milk is free to all children under 5 years of age and all children across that are eligible for Pupil Premium. In KS1, parents can buy milk for their older child. Please contact the school office for more details
Children are encouraged to drink water at school particularly after P.E, active play and in the hot weather. School provides water through water fountains and classroom taps. Children are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to school.
Aspens Menu
Aspens provide a three week rolling menu for the whole term. The dates for each menu can be found on the top corner of the page. Please note that there may be some changes to the menu on special days/ festivals such as Christmas, World Book Day, etc. An additional menu for those days will be shared with parents in advance.
Chinese New Year Lunch- 15th February 2024
Paper copies of information on this website are available upon request.