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‘Growing, Learning and Achieving Together’

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E-Safety Videos

We spend time in all year groups  discussing the ways children can protect themselves online and when using mobile phones. 


An excellent place to start for Adults and Children when thinking about e-safety is thinkuknow


The parents section has an excellent guide on the benefits and potential risks of the internet, which can be found here.

KS1 Video

Lee and Kim

Uploaded by CEOP on 2011-09-23.

KS2 Video

CEOP Primary KS2 : 'Jigsaw' Suitable for 8 yrs -- 10 yrs

This short film is called 'Jigsaw' and is suitable for KS2 Primary School children (8 -- 10 yrs), approximate running time is 8 minutes. This short film is produced by the Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and is being delivered to schools all over the UK through their ThinkUknow Programme.

The film Jigsaw is a story about a young girl called Becky who likes to use social networking sites. She has her own profile where she shares information like the things she enjoys and photos of herself and her friends.

Becky has been talking to somebody who she believes to be another child. It turns out to be a man who has lied to her.

This 10 minute film shows that when you talk to people online and tell them too much about yourself, you might as well be inviting them through your front door.

Before playing this film, discuss with your child what they know about social networking sites, are they using one?

After playing Jigsaw, discuss what happened to Becky and how by taking some simple steps they can keep themselves safe online. Make sure your child knows:

  • How to set their profile to private.
  • They should only talk to people they know and trust in the real world.
  • That you are there to support them.
  • How to report anything that upsets them

(all above material from CEOP and NCA websites)

For Parents

Where's Klaus - A CEOP Film

Safer Internet Day Film
